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Alcohol42.70 %
- RemarksMediterranean gin is made with plants characteristic of Mediterranean Mediterranean cuisine, such as olives, thyme, rosemary and basil. Spices such as rosemary and thyme lend their spicy, piney flavors to this beverage. Basil lends its balsamic and spicy notes, and Arbequina olives with their green, salty and fruity flavors - drive its flavor to perfection. flavor to perfection. The result is a gin with an intense, spicy profile, ideal with a wide variety of dishes.
- DescriptionGin Mare Capri ATHENTIC FLAVOUR OF MEDITERRANEAN CITRUSES Made with bergamot and lemons combined with Gin Mare's main spices and botanicals - Arbequina olives, rosemary, thyme and basil Gin Mare Capri, with its authentic, fresh citrus flavour, awakens the essence of the Mediterranean and the island of Capri for life.